
William: A donkey teaching the Scriptures to the bishops. The pope as a fox. And the abbot as a monkey. He really had a daring talent for comic images.
Jorge: I trust my words didn't offend you brother William but I heard the persons laughing at laughable things. You, Franciscans, however, belong to an Order where merriment is viewed with indulgence.
William: Yes, it's true. Saint Francis was much disposed to laughter.
Jorge: Laughter is a devillish wind which deforms the lineaments of the face and makes men look like monkeys.
Wiliam: Monkeys do not laugh. Laughter is particular to man.
Jorge: As a sin.Christ never laughed.
William: Can we be so sure?
Jorge: Scriptures to say that He did.
William: And there's nothing there to say that He did not. Even the saints have been known to employ comedy to ridicule the enemies of the faith. For example, when the
pagans plunged Saint Maurus into the boiling water, he complained that his bath was cold. The Sultan put his hand in and scalded himself.
Jorge: A saint immersed in boiling water does not play childish tricks. He restrains his cries and suffers for the truth.
William: And yet, Aristotle devoted his second book of poetics to comedy as an instrument of truth.
Jorge: You have read this work?
William: No, of course not. It's been lost for many centuries.
Jorge: No, it is not! It was never written! Because Providence doesn't
want futile things glorified.
William: Oh, that I must contest...
Jorge: Enough! This abbey is overshadowed by grief. Yet you would intrude on our sorrow with idle banter!
Jorge: Forgive me, Venerable Jorge. My remarks were truly out of place.
William: What did you deduce from that visit?
Adso: That we're not meant to laugh in there.
The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco
colocado por JLP, 18:49